1·Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment.
2·In its initial stage the change-of the camshaft is performed.
3·China has had 'great success in the initial stage of relief,' he said.
4·The tube is welded at the initial stage of the process to ensure easy grasping.
5·M&S applications range from the initial stage of design to the last stage of deployment.
6·The production of ramie gauze and fabric is machined only then at 80 time initial stage.
7·In an initial stage of joining the WTO, various trades in China will be effected differently.
8·Our company applies the knowledge acquired in the initial stage of this alliance into our new products.
9·You need to think and discuss beyond the initial stage where he or she may be temporarily underutilized.
10·However, the sample presented here is just the initial stage of a windowless frameworkI'll use for further testing.
1·Like M-Lab itself these tools are still in development, and they will only support a limited number of simultaneous users at this initial stage.
跟m - Lab本身一样,这些工具也仍处在开发中,在初期,它们仅能支持有限数量的用户同时使用。
2·Trial at the initial stage of community corrections system, community environment and community awareness are also very immature, the promotion of "Beijing Model" will be more practical significance.
3·Also international experience has verified its guiding function on the initial stage and the middle period for industrialization which takes infrastructure as the core.
4·Elastic productivity is an important index to evaluate the elastic production of reservoir in development initial stage and analyse the power of driving.
5·Consumerism culture, it is to point to traceable the phenomenon of culture of a kind of society of United States of 20 centuries initial stage.